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Unforgettable and Funny 15 Arthur Memes and Puns

Who wouldn’t know Arthur from the educational TV series ‘Arthur’? It was funded by the No Child Left Behind Grant and was created by Cookie Jar Entertainment. The TV series is based on the fictional place American city of Elwood City and about the adventure and life of Arthur Read, an 8-year-old child.

The show garnered a lot of recognition including 4 Daytime Emmy Awards ever since it was first seen in 1994. Arthur is one of the ‘longest-running cartoons’ throughout the United States next to another popular TV show The Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants.

The TV show was recognized for highlighting sensitive issues like dyslexia, cancer, Asperger syndrome, allergies, and violence. Since it is very popular, there are also a lot of Arthur memes going around the internet. These memes are really entertaining. Check them out here;


1. Behind close doors.


2. I really think some rich family would adopt me!


3. Not yet done sir!


4. Listening to my own advice be like…


5. How to get experience?


6. Arthur & Buster Level of Friendship.


7. Choosing wisely…


8. There’s a demon watching…


9. Should I go inside or just quit work?


10. Trying to look cool with the belt on…


11. It won’t stop me!


12. Probably parents?


13. The humiliation…


14. Me.. this is really me!


15. First day high!

What do you think?

Written by Greg Brooks

Meme literacy can get you in with any crowd - understand the meme, understand the ethos. Covering a vast range of topics, from politics to anime, the perfect meme for you is right here.

I’ve been collecting and creating memes for many years and love that they bridge divides between people and groups. Sharing the right meme can make you an instant hit, and that’s where I can help. Look through the meme library and find the perfect meme for your purpose.

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