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15 Priceless Easter Memes and Puns To Keep You Amused All Day Long

For Christians all over the world, Easter is considered the most festive celebration as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death according to what the Christian bible says.

During Easter, Christians all over the world celebrate by going to the church and attending services, ringing the church bells, music, flowers, candlelight, and all. Additionally, Easter processions are held in countries like Spain and the Philippines. To a lot of Christians, this is the greatest feast among all feasts throughout the Church year. The entire day is full of celebration and happiness to commemorate the rising of Jesus Christ after He died from the cross to wash away the sins of the world.

Easter is not just for adults but for children too. During Easter, children in many countries like Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and United States get to decorate eggs or participate in the Easter egg hunts. Other than these festive activities, there are also Easter memes to bring joy to everyone. Check them out here;

1. The Easter egg that nobody couldn’t find…

2. Hiding the Easter eggs is one tough job!

3. That’s why you shouldn’t paint Easter eggs

4. What’s wrong with the people?


5. Even Easter eggs are practicing social distancing!

6. Some bunny that I used to know!

7. The two meter distance

8. Do you have those atheist friends?

9. They look so scared!

10. When you only see your mate during Easter

11. Being clumsy

12. When you only go to church on Easter!

13. That emotional moment.

14. No one should find the eggs!

15. To all fellow rabbits!

What do you think?

Written by Greg Brooks

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